Announcement: You can find the guides for Commerce 7.5 and later on the new Elastic Path Documentation site. This Developer Center contains the guides for Commerce 6.13.0 through 7.4.1.Visit new site

This version of Elastic Path Commerce is no longer supported or maintained. To upgrade to the latest version, contact your Elastic Path representative.

Announcements and Notices 7.1.0

Announcements and Notices 7.1.0

Announcements and Notices

Elastic Path constantly evaluates product capabilities and architecture, and over time will plan to replace capabilities with new versions, new implementations, or new partnerships based on customer and market feedback.

Backwards compatibility for existing customers investments is a key factor in decisions to deprecate and remove features. Where possible, features will be announced as deprecated, and then removed in a future release. This will allow customers at least one release cycle to adjust their implementation to the replacement capability before removal.

For behavioural changes in current release, please refer to the release notes.

Deprecated Features

The following features were deprecated in this release.

Feature Notes
MySQL 5.6 Oracle premier support for MySQL 5.6 ends Feb 2017. Elastic Path support for MySQL 5.6 will end with the Elastic Path Commerce 7.3 release.

Removed Features

The following features were removed in this release.
Features Notes
Cortex /slots resource The /slots resource was designed to deliver dynamic content to specific content spaces. This approach was not found to be useful for projects.

Dynamic content functionality is currently disabled. If it is reactivated in the future, a possible approach is to deliver dynamic content as structured messages within existing resources, rather than as a separate resource.

Cortex /rates, /stocks and /subscriptions resources. These resources were not officially included in the product and were not being tested or maintained.
The following demo data and images were removed from the commerce-data module: ep-britney-demo-data, ep-britney-demo-images, ep-snapitup-demo-images, ep-geometrixx-demo-data, ep-geometrixx-demo-images. These were no longer being used by Elastic Path Commerce demos and system tests.