Announcement: You can find the guides for Commerce 7.5 and later on the new Elastic Path Documentation site. This Developer Center contains the guides for Commerce 6.13.0 through 7.4.1.Visit new site

This version of Elastic Path Commerce is no longer supported or maintained. To upgrade to the latest version, contact your Elastic Path representative.

Announcements and Notices (Spring 2015 GA)

Announcements and Notices (Spring 2015 GA)

Announcements and Notices

Elastic Path constantly evaluates product capabilities and architecture, and over time will plan to replace capabilities with new versions, new implementations, or new partnerships based on customer and market feedback.

Backwards compatibility for existing customers investments is a key factor in decisions to deprecate and remove features. Where possible, features will be announced as deprecated, and then removed in a future release. This will allow customers at least one release cycle to adjust their implementation to the replacement capability before removal.

For behavioural changes in current release, please refer to the release notes.

Deprecated Features

The following highlights features that have been marked as deprecated. These feature are subject to removal in a future release, with an alternative provided in conjunction with the removal. Customers should review the features below and make plans to migrate to the alternative provided as part of the next upgrade cycle.

Component Feature Replacement
Elastic Path Core Commerce Velocity-based Storefront

Elastic Path is not planning to further enhance the Storefront application and related capabilities. We recommend clients evaluate the Elastic Path for Adobe Marketing Cloud integration, or consider connecting to another content delivery system through the Commerce Integration Platform for front-end experience management and display.

Additional Content Management System and front-end integrations will be provided in the future as alternative migration paths.

Elastic Path Cortex


  • "key-type" and "value-type" have been removed in rest-schema.xsd. They were used for the <map> entity-type, which has been removed in year 2014
  • Plan and Template are deprecated in rest-schema.xsd and should not be used in the definitions.xml when creating Cortex resources.
No replacement
Elastic Path Cortex


  • MaxAge has been removed from the JSON output. See here for the updated JSON format.
  • @MaxAge annotation is deprecated in Cortex ResourceOperators, and to be removed in Fall 2015.
Cortex sets the resource's max-age in the cache control header. See here for more information.

Removed Features

No features were removed in this release