Announcement: You can find the guides for Commerce 7.5 and later on the new Elastic Path Documentation site. This Developer Center contains the guides for Commerce 6.13.0 through 7.4.1.Visit new site

This version of Elastic Path Commerce is no longer supported or maintained. To upgrade to the latest version, contact your Elastic Path representative.

Running the EP for Adobe Marketing Cloud Demos

Running the EP for Adobe Marketing Cloud Demos

This document describes how to install the Elastic Path Commerce Demo Servers and run the Geometrixx and Britney Broden demos.

Install and Run the Elastic Path Commerce Demo Servers

This section describes how to install the EP Commerce Demo Servers on your local machine.
  1. Unzip to a folder with a short name in your root directory. For example, C:\epdemo
  2. Navigate to the install directory and start the servers:
    • Windows users: Double-click start.bat
    • Unix users: Using terminal, run ./
    Once the applications start, there may be a short delay before products are visible as the search indexes are building for the first time. Subsequent starts should not have a delay. Applications can be accessed on the following ports:
  3. Use Cortex Studio to validate the Elastic Path Commerce Demo Servers are running:
    1. In a web browser, open http://localhost:9080/studio/.
    2. In Cortex Studio's Utilities section, click Authentication.
    3. Enter "Geometrixx" for the Scope and click the Authenticate button to authenticate a new shopper.
    4. In the Entry Points section, click Shopper's Default Cart.

      If the demo is running properly, a cart resource should return.

To stop the servers:
  • Navigate to the install directory and run the following:
    • Windows: Double-click stop.bat
    • Unix: Using terminal, run ./

Install and Run Elastic Path Commerce Manager Client

This section describes how to install Commerce Manager Client.

  1. Navigate to demo_directory\commerce-manager-clients.
  2. Unzip the zip file for your supported platform into the current directory:
    • Windows: commercemanager-{version-number}
    • Mac: commercemanager-{version-number}
  3. Run Commerce Manager:
    • Windows: Double-click Commerce Manager.exe
    • Mac: Double-click Commerce
      Note: Warning Message on Mac

      A warning message may display when opening Commerce Manager for the first time: "Commerce Manager can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer." To avoid this error, right-click on Commerce Manager Client and then select open.

  4. When prompted by the application, enter the following credentials:
    • User ID: admin
    • Password: 111111
    • Server URL: http://localhost:38081/cmserver

Installing Adobe Experience Manager

This section describes how to set up and install AEM 6.0 and the corresponding updates required for EP for Adobe Marketing Cloud.

Installing Adobe Experience Manager 6.0

Set up the Adobe Experience Manager 6.0 cq-quickstart-6.0.0.jar with an Author instance following Adobe's Deploying and Maintaining instructions.

Installing Adobe Experience Manager 6.0 Updates

Install the following AEM updates prior to installing EP for Adobe Marketing Cloud:

  • AEM 6.0 SERVICE PACK 2: Adobe Experience Manager 6.0 Service Pack 2
  • CQ-6.0.0-FEATUREPACK-3903: eCommerce Integration Framework Enhancement Pack 2014
  • CQ-6.0.0-HOTFIX-5779: Hotfix for repository update to Oak 1.0.11
To install the updates forAEM 6.0:
  1. Open Package Share at http://localhost:4502/crx/packageshare.
    Note: Creating an Adobe ID

    If you are using the Package Share for the first time, you will need to create an Adobe ID. For more information, see How to Get Access to Package Share.

  2. Download the following update packages:
    • AEM 6.0 SERVICE PACK 2
    • CQ-6.0.0-FEATUREPACK-3903
    • CQ-6.0.0-HOTFIX-5779
  3. Open the Package Manager at http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/index.jsp.
  4. Install the updates in the following order and restart when prompted by the Package Manager:
    • AEM 6.0 SERVICE PACK 2
    • CQ-6.0.0-FEATUREPACK-3903
    • CQ-6.0.0-HOTFIX-5779

Install the EP for Adobe Marketing Cloud Geometrixx Demo

This section describes how to set up and install EP for Adobe Marketing Cloud Geometrixx demo. The EP for Adobe Marketing Cloud Geometrixx demo is available on Adobe's Package Share and can installed by following these instructions:

  1. Open the Package Share at http://localhost:4502/crx/packageshare
  2. Search for and download the following packages:
  3. Open the Package Manager at http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/index.jsp
  4. Install the EP-COMMERCE_API package, which is preconfigured to connect to the Elastic Path Commerce Demo Servers that were installed previously.
  5. Install the EP-GEOMETRIXX-CONTENT package
  6. Open the Geometrixx demo at http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx-outdoors/en_US.html

Install the EP for Adobe Marketing Cloud Britney Broden Demo

This section describes how to set up and install EP for Adobe Marketing Cloud Britney Broden demo. The Britney Broden demo is only available on a private Elastic Path Package Share. To request access, please contact your Elastic Path Partner Manager. Once access is granted, the demo can be installed by following these instructions:

Note: The Geometrixx demo must be installed prior to installing the Britney Broden demo.
Note: Running the Geometrixx demo and Britney Broden demo sites at the same time may have unexpected behaviour. Elastic Path recommends clearing cookies and HTML local storage when switching between sites.
To install the Britney Broden demo:
  1. Open the Package Share at http://localhost:4502/crx/packageshare.
  2. Search for and download the following package:
  3. Open the Package Manager at http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/index.jsp.
  4. Install the EP-BRITNEY-CONTENT package, which is preconfigured to connect to the Elastic Path Commerce Demo Servers that were installed previously.
  5. Restart your AEM instance.
  6. Open the Britney Broden demo at http://localhost:4502/content/britney-broden/en_US.html.